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Wow!!! God has been good, His faithfulness never cease and His mercies is for evermore and they are new every morning. HE has given us new Month, new day and new opportunities to reflect on our Lives. The Bible recorded in REV. 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
You can see, you are created to bring glory to God. The question now is are you fulfilling the purpose you are created for?. You are in best position to answer it. what are you doing with your time, God given talent and resources?. God told Abraham in Gen 12:2
...and thou shalt be a blessing: 
This implies that, you are Blessed to be a blessing to your brothers, sisters, neighbors, Nation and the World at large. if you're using all these God has given you for own very self, then you're not bringing glory to God     And consequently your are not fulfilling the purpose HE created you.

Again, and most importantly what are you doing with HIS Son, the living sacrifice HE gave to mankind for the remission of sin. Don't forget He died that you might live, He was made poor that you might be rich and was made sinful that you might be forgiven. Jesus said in the book of John 3:3
 ...Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Are you born again, have you received JESUS as your personal Lord and Saviour. If not this is an opportunity for you. Do not neglect Him because Tomorrow might be too late. remember that if you are not saved, you are not safe.
say this simple prayer with all sincerity.
Lord, JESUS I know that I am a sinner, and that you died on cross of calvary and rose again to save me. Today I receive you as my personal Lord and saviour, I am sorry for my sins forgive me oh! Lord and come into my life and stay. thank you JESUS. now I know am born again.
if you sincerely said that prayer, congratulations! you are welcome into God's family. Do well and locate a Bible believing Church, so that you will be nurtured. congratulations once again.


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