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                                                    YOUTH EMPOWERMENT

TAKE RISK, CALCULATED RISK: Once you have seen what it will take to move forward, the next thing is to pay the price. Remember the wise saying, " it is risky not to take risks". The question we should ask ourselves is not; what will it cost me if i take this risk', rather we should ask ourselves, what will it cost me if i don't take this risk'.

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BREAK THE BORDER BARRIER; EXPAND: One of my mentors is fond of this statement ; " if God told you that you will catch a whale, don't go fishing in the pond behind your house, the best you will catch there is a toad. Rather go on a boat to the nearest sea, and cast the largest net you can get into". We must expand to new horizons and conquer new territories if we wish to re-invent our success. This applies to life and business as well. open new branches, acquire more equipment and build new house for sale. Anyhow just do something outside what you have been doing for the past six, eight, ten years.

REFUSE TO STAY SUCCESSFUL: Success can become a trap, you are trying to please every one and also live up to others expectation.Give yourself a break; grow within your own potential, stick to your own plan. But more importantly, seek to improve yourself and your product/service on a daily basis. This is what excellence is all about; it is the culture of constant self improvement.

PRIME YOUR MOMENTUM: Momentum is self generated adrenalin that keeps you going in the midst of obstacle and impossibilities. momentum gives you inner excitement; something good about momentum too is that it is contagious. it affect everything around it, you can also call it enthusiasm. 

KILL THE WASTE SYNDROME: Nothing discourage growth and increase like waste, something interesting in the Holy Book after the great teacher fed five thousand (and more)students that came to hear him teach, He gave a straight order; "gather the remnants, let nothing be wasted", imperatively God hates waste. Let me say it is the blessing of God that makes a business to succeeds. if we do not prudently manage the resources He has placed at out disposal, then He will keep us at the same level until we awake to the responsibility of effective management.

2016 is around the corner let's not allow the history of 2015 repeat itself again. change your mindset with this knowledge you have acquire and see the positive change you will become. REMAIN ALWAYS BLESS. LOVE YOU ALL.


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