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Greetings, I believe you were blessed by the previous post, as I always says it's a great privilege from the Almighty God for us to see this day. it's not by our power nor by might or because of our righteousness but by His mercy, If you are reading this post, it's because God loves you, He wants you to prosper here on earth and enjoy your eternity in heaven. If there is anything He desires in this world, it is a relationship with you, that's why He created you anyway. I want to remind us of eternity once again. As we saw in the previous post, " the realities of eternity ", eternity is life without end which is the initial plan of God for humanity. We are made to last forever, we are just here on earth to prepare for eternity. No matter how long you lived here on earth it is nothing compared to life in eternity. Rick Warren rightful said: “Measured against eternity, our time on earth is just a blink of an eye, but the consequences of it will last for


Greetings my people out there, you are welcome into this wonderful new Month, a month of grace and sudden visitations. My prayer to everyone of you reading this post is that, God in all His mightiness will visit you in that area of your life that you need Him most in JESUS most wonderful name Amen. lets talk about eternity... According to oxford learner's dictionary eternity is defined as time without end, especially life continuing without end, after death. Death on its own is the end of life in the body; it is like a demarcation, a bridge that separate or connect the life in the body and eternal life, it is not your termination but your transition into eternity. That’s why it’s called an inevitable end. From the explanation above it is obvious that life has no end, because even if the body dies the spirit and soul still lives. But the question here is where? In heaven or in hell. It is an established fact that we all must pass into eternity, 2 C orinthians 5:1 says that:


I am glad to welcome you all out there to this wonderful Month. it's a great privilege from the Almighty God, I want to let u know that it's not all that started this year with you are able to make it to the 2nd half of the year. it's indeed  a great privilege, we give HIM all the glory. We want to briefly explore the love of GOD. we're told in the Bible that GOD is Love. Love is his nature, right from creation He showed how he loved us and created us in his own image: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. In all the things GOD created HE spoke it into being but He took time to create man even in His own very image. that's  a expression of His


Calvary greetings pals, we give all the Glory to GOD for sparing our lives till this day. I want to let us know that it is not because of our righteousness nor because of our power but by his mercies that endureth forever. let us bear it in mind that each new day HE gave to us is a second chance for us to do things aright, correct our mistakes, draw nearer to Him and do those things that pleases Him which is the primary reason HE created us. Prayer: Lord, as we journey on your word this moment, let every utterance come from the holy spirit and let every reader be edify to the glory of your holy name. Your word says that The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Give us understanding and shed your light in every dark places of our heart in Jesus wonderful name. Amen. it is recorded in the book of Colossians 1:16-17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones
Wow!!! God has been good, His faithfulness never cease and His mercies is for evermore and they are new every morning. HE has given us new Month, new day and new opportunities to reflect on our Lives. The Bible recorded in REV. 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. You can see, you are created to bring glory to God. The question now is are you fulfilling the purpose you are created for?. You are in best position to answer it. what are you doing with your time, God given talent and resources?. God told Abraham in Gen 12:2 ...and thou shalt be a blessing:  This implies that, you are Blessed to be a blessing to your brothers, sisters, neighbors, Nation and the World at large. if you're using all these God has given you for own very self, then you're not bringing glory to God     And consequently your are not fulfilling the purpose HE created you. Again, and most