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Change is the only thing to care about; We know that market change with a wink of our eyes and that opportunity once lost will never happen. We need to be agile, where's the time? The whole world is changing so fast! We need to rush. With all that in mind, isn't it silly to keep doing the same stuff? We just need to leverage what is available and jump in to launch as many products as possible. people don't realize this, they keep re-inventing the wheel. we believe we should re-use our knowledge, save the time and success will be guarantee, or is it the other way round?

Re-inventing the wheel is a proverb which simply means to duplicate a basic method and has already/ previously been created. It doesn't make any business sense, wasting time doing the same stuff all over again. But there's a catch here. A basic component or method has already been created can be reused. It does save time but at a cost. in computer science, we are taught of an excellent term 'GIGO'. GIGO means Garbage in, Garbage out, if the input are not right, the output can't be. The final product is an outcome of what we used as an input.If reusing the same methods again and again saves time, it also has the risk of doing the same mistakes again and again.

After all said, re-inventing the wheel is never an easy task. that simply because;

Re-inventing is Challenging: you are challenging the world's common sense. You are trying to prove that the way things were done for ages can be changed, and can be changed for the better. This requires a whole lot of courage. it's risky.

Re-inventing is Difficult: Across ages, people have now forgotten how the basic components are made in the first place.

Re-inventing is time Consuming: You feel having products for every market segment is important. To capture the market is important, let's invest time there, rather than waste it by doing stuffs nobody seems to be doing .

Re-inventing is against Human:Most of us work hard not by will but by circumstances. We want to get the work done and just have good time. Re-inventing will kick us to walk the extra mile, that's painful. But as the Cliche goes, there is no gain without any pain. Some of us seem to be just bent on; they are stubborn enough to think that the world can be changed. They are not the ones who will pin point when anything is wrong, but are the one who will accept every argument only if it is justified, only if they understand it. Everything can not be right because it has been there for ages. It has been there for ages because there was no one to take the pain to understand it, challenge and the improve it.

Nothing expires like success, just when you think you are high up there alone, at the peak of your triumph. behold in the twinkle of an eye, there comes another, ready to give it ten times more than you are willing, with a great resolve and doggedness than your instant gratification can allow. it's only a matter of time and you have company up there and eventually if you don't raise the bar, you may fall behind. "In the face of adversity, some develop wings and fly away, others hold on to clutches". After developing a successful and strong brand, how do you break the success circle so you can go on to succeed again and again and again.


BECOME A NEW YOU: If you want to do what you have not done before, you have to become who you have not been before. Remember, it starts from inside you, 'first within then outward'.
If our business too must break new grounds, then it's got to go through an inner transformation before it can exceed the present success level. We can re-invent ourselves by inward reflection, new projection and new dreams.
Second to this, we can apply our selves to training and upgrading our minds with resource such as books audio visual materials (tapes, CDs VCDs, DVDs of successful individual in our fields of endevour) attending seminars, direct mentoring from successful leaders.
for the business to become entity, we have got to train and retrain staffs. do a general reshuffling and (though this may be painful but it's nothing personal, it's just business), lay off the non-productive staffs, then inject fresh hands, fresh blood, fresh brains in to the organization.

RE-INVENT YOUR VISION: look further, what you saw some years ago may be obsolete now. so you have to look further from the present stance. In other words, see the business through a new eye that is fearless, daring and adventurous.


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