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Pro.23:7  For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:... A man is a product of his thinking, he is driven and moved by what he visualize....Jer11:29 says "I know the thought I have for you, it is the thought of good and not of evil, the thought to bring you to an expected end. sickness is not an expected end poverty is not an expected end barrenness is not an expected end failure is not an expected end stagnancy and rejection is never an expected end  The thought of God towards us is of good, God never think evil, God does not expect us to limit ourselves into the pattern of thinking of this world. He expect us to restructure our thinking habits positively. Have you refuse the bad news? God has come to tell you that one of the strong asset of the devil is the "bad news syndrome". The devil is in the world today to inflict the righteous with demonized news that could make the righteous to fall out and back pedal their belief and trust in the most hig
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1.   " Hard work does not wear people out, it is wrong work that wears them out." 2.  "There’s no sleeping competition in life. If you sleep for 8 hours a day, you sleep one-third of           your life, and at age 100, you would have slept for 25 years!"  3.  “I have invested in my life an average    of 18 hours a day on productive                                          engagement. So if you work 8 hours,         then I’m working twice your day plus 2    hours            extra. So when I’m 50, I will be 11    in your own calendar.” 4.     "Hard work does not wear people out, it is wrong work that wears them out." 5.     "When the things of God don’t matter to you, you are under the influence of one of the                rulers of this world .”  6.      “ You cannot advertise a gospel you don’t exhibit. It must be visible  first  in your life before           you can effectively pass it to others.”  Pastor


In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you . 1These 5:18  Giving thanks to God or humanity seems to be the hardest thing to say for some folks, especially in the christendom. Gratitude is a covenant way to our high places, giving thanks for where we are today is one way to get to where we ought to be. Apostle Paul through the Holy Spirit said in everything, that is all things minus nothing. both in convenience and out of convenience, give Him thanks for that is the will of God  in Christ Jesus concerning you. Hear what God said:   If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name , saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Mala 2:2 That will not be our portion in Jesus name. Giving thanks here is not as the world will see it, that is thanking God or someone for what they have


David Oyedepo Ministries International announces ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE from  3 – 6 May, 2016 Theme:   TOWARDS EXPLOITS IN MINISTRY Host Ministers:   David & Faith Oyedepo Guest Ministers:  Kenneth & Gloria Copeland And other anointed ministers. Venue:   Covenant University Chapel, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria Conference Daily Schedule: Tues. (3 rd  May):               8am  (Registration Begins ) 6 – 9pm   ( Opening Session) Wed. & Thurs (4 th  & 5 th  May).                  8am – 12noon   (Morning Session) 6 – 9pm   (Evening Session) Friday (6 th  May):            8am – 12noon   (Closing Session) Online Registration available at: Registration is free! For enquiries on accommodation, please contact: Jesus is Lord!


Dear God, I want to thank you for all you have done for me, my family and friends and specifically for the first quarter of the year 2016. Lord, you have being faithful and I am grateful. Thank you a million times.  Lord, your word said that:       ...A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.     John 3:27 .  Now   Lord I ask for grace, the divine enablement to do your will every seconds of my life. It is my utmost desire, the longing of my soul to please you at all time, just like the deer panteth for water so my soul pant after you. But just like Apostle Paul said the other day: For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do...   Rm 7:19-23.  Please, Lord send me help from above, remember now your word in Ezekiel 36:27 ;  And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them . Father, I need the spirit now,  pour your spirit afresh upon me and cause me to wa


The story of the sudden turnaround of a 27 years old Nigerian lady who slept a bread hawker and wake up a celebrity is no longer news. Currently, she is the most googled person in Nigeria just between two months. Someone may be  tempted to ask, why the sudden change? is she the most beautiful girl in Nigeria?, is she the most educated or is she the only bread hawker in Lagos streets?. The answer is NO, so what then brought about the sudden lifting from grass to glory, that even churches now uses her pix in program banners. It is far from being ordinary, let me ask: where are the Phd, Bsc, Hnd and whatever certificate holders. Where are the beautiful young Nigerian girls messing themselves up in modelling schools scattered across the country in a quest to become a model: Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor 1:27-29: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base


The Five Nights of Glory is an annual Programme designed by God to reach out to His people. It holds every January to mark the end of the twenty one  days fasting and prayer. This Programme is beamed live across the globe via our satellite broadcasting system and online streaming across all compatible devices. The same order of glory, manifestation, signs & wonders witnessed at the headquarters is demonstrated in the lives of viewers worldwide. Mind-boggling testimonies and instant creative miracles are recorded;  join us as we earnestly look forward to our awesome 2016 Five Nights of Glory.