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Showing posts from January, 2016


The Five Nights of Glory is an annual Programme designed by God to reach out to His people. It holds every January to mark the end of the twenty one  days fasting and prayer. This Programme is beamed live across the globe via our satellite broadcasting system and online streaming across all compatible devices. The same order of glory, manifestation, signs & wonders witnessed at the headquarters is demonstrated in the lives of viewers worldwide. Mind-boggling testimonies and instant creative miracles are recorded;  join us as we earnestly look forward to our awesome 2016 Five Nights of Glory.


Dear God, I am using this medium to appreciate your faithfulness, kindness and mercies in my life and to thank you most especially for the gift of life. Lord, it is another year you have given me, new opportunities, new challenges that'll take me to my next levels. but Lord, you know how weak I am. I acknowledge my weakness because I know that your strength is made perfect in my weakness, I know that I cannot help myself for by strength shall no man prevail. I therefore ask for your strength to go through this challenges so that I can get to where you want be me to be. Father, you said in your word that ... the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jer. 10:23. I therefore subscribe to your leading. Guide me precious father in all my endeavors this year. You said in Isaiah 30:21  And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. 


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Wow! God has been faithful. 365 days gone, another just began, God is awesome HE changes things and Himself remain unchanged. Thank you Almighty Father for this great privilege given to us to see this brand year. Welcome again to this brand new year. To you it shall be an era of change of levels FROM Poverty to prosperity Lack to Abundance Mourning to Celebration Shame to Glory Sickness to divine health Failure to Success Barrenness to Fruitfulness Grass to Grace Bondage to Freedom... Remember "Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.", Life is too short to live on trial and error. The Holy Spirit remains our sure guild, new year resolution or not without Him you cannot do anything. So why not subscribe to His leading today and you'll be happy that you do. From Vaniah Blog , we wish that the year be a messenger of JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS, SMILES & GOOD TIDINGS for you and your famil